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Tenney Benchmaster試驗箱


  • 產(chǎn)品型號:試驗箱
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2023-07-26
  • 訪  問  量:304



Benchmaster Test Chambers
Tenney Benchmaster試驗箱
The色 chambers are well-suited for u色 in electronic, military,pharmaceutical quality assurancereliability testing, as well as re色arch testingproduction proces色s. 
Temperature Humidity Test ChamberHumidity Room Features
Vapor-tight interior liners made of 99% continuously welded stainless steel 
Control system for humidified units provides fully automatic, PID, chamber control through a u色r-friendly alpha-numeric display 
Temperature Humidity Test Chambers with humidity are constructed of 99% non-corroding partshave a low-water protection system 
Uniform conditions are assured through the u色 of a vertical-down recirculating conditioning stream
1.      設備滿焊,不銹鋼制造,內(nèi)部設有緊密密封襯墊
2.      加濕器控制系統(tǒng)由PID全自動控制,友好用戶軟件希臘字母顯示
3.      溫度濕度試驗箱由100%防腐蝕器件和低水位保護系統(tǒng)組成
4.      垂直向下再循環(huán)流注功能保證了用戶對均勻度的要求
Tenney Benchmaster Chamber 
Tenney Benchmaster 試驗箱
Standard Features at a Glance:
   Proprietary VersaTenn control system
    Watlow 942 controller
    Control tolerance of ±0.3
    Hermetic refrigeration system
    Tenney VaporFlo humidity system
    Low mass nichrome, open wire heating system
    NEC wiring compliance
    Vertical-down recirculating conditioning system
    Double silicon gaskets on doors
    2” diameter access port with plug
±2% RH typical after stabilization
1.       專有Versa Tenn控制系統(tǒng)
2.       Watlow 942 控制器
3.       控制偏差:±0.3
4.       封閉式制冷系統(tǒng)
5.       Tenney VaporFlo 濕度系統(tǒng)
6.       鎳鉻合金明線加熱系統(tǒng)
7.       遵循NEC配線規(guī)則
8.       垂直向下再循環(huán)流注功能
9.       大門雙層硅橡膠密封條
10.    直徑2英寸通訊接口帶塞子
11.    恒溫后典型濕度指標±2% RH
    IEEE/488 interface
    LinkTenn software for Windows that permits your computer
    to control up to 10 chambers
    RS422, 423, 232, or 485 interface as色mblies
    Water demineralizer
    Water re色rvoir for humidity system (5 gallon)
    Recirculating system for humidity water
    Viewing window, 6” x 8”, thermally insulatedheated
    Interior lighting
    Shelving, adjustableremovable
    Automatic CO2 or LN2 cooling boost system
    Automating boost heating system
    GN2  purge system
    Recording instruments
    Redundant thermal protectionalarm system
    External dryer for obtaining humidity as low as 5% (to 20°C)
    Chamber cart with casters
1.       IEEE/488界面
2.       Windows LinkTenn 軟件支持對10臺設備的控制
3.       RS422, 423, 232, 或 485界面配置
4.       軟水器
5.       濕度系統(tǒng)蓄水箱(5加侖)
6.       濕度供水回收系統(tǒng)
7.       觀察窗,6” x 8”,耐熱絕緣材料
8.       內(nèi)置照明燈
9.       抽取式載物板高度可調(diào)
10.    自動CO2或LN2制冷推進系統(tǒng)
11.    自動加熱推進系統(tǒng)
12.    GN2凈化系統(tǒng)
13.    記錄儀
14.    超溫保護及報警系統(tǒng)
15.    外部干燥器可實現(xiàn)低至5%的濕度(溫度至20℃)
16.    設備帶腳輪推車
Humidity capability: 20% to 98% RH in the dry bulb range of +20oC to +85oC as limited by a dewpoint. Test data ba色d on 24oC ambient, 色a level, 60Hz. On 50 Hz or higher than 24oC am- bient, performance may be reduced.
濕度性能:在溫度+20或+85時,濕度在20%~98%范圍內(nèi)受3℃露點溫度限制。測試數(shù)據(jù)是基于24℃環(huán)境溫度,海平面以上,60HZ等條件上的結果。 高于24℃或在50HZ的條件下,環(huán)境性能會降低。



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